Saturday, March 21, 2020

Nitrogen essays

Nitrogen essays Nitrogen is nonmetallic, odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas. Nitrogen makes up about 78% of the earths atmosphere. Rutherford discover nitrogen in 1772. On the periodic table of elements Nitrogen is diatomic and has the chemical symbol of N. The atomic number is 7, and its atomic weight is 14. There are 7 protons, neutrons, and electrons in a nitrogen atom. The gas can be condensed in liquid state that has a boiling point of -195.8 degrees celcius or froze at -209.9 degrees celcius. Even though nitrogen does not combine easily with other elements, the atoms are parts of many chemical There are many uses of nitrogen. Manufacturers can obtain pure nitrogen by making liquid air. After that they separate the nitrogen from the oxygen and other gases in air by distillation. After distilled nitrogen is collected under pressure in specially designed metal containers. The most important use of nitrogen is in the production of ammonia (NH3). Ammonia is used as a fertilizer, as a refridgerant, and in the production of nitric acid and other chemicals. Nitrogen compounds are also important to the making of drugs, dyes, explosives, poisons, and synthetic fibers. Nitrogen is one of the most important elements on the periodic table. All organisms must have nitrogen to live. Proteins are formed of amino acids, which nitrogen is part of all the amino acids. Nitrogen is always being removed from the air and teturned to it in a series of chemical reactions known as the nitrogen cycle. The nitrogen cycly is the circulation of nitrogen among the atmosphere, the soil and water, and the plants and animals of the earth. People influence the nitrogen cycle, but it is harmful to the atmosphere. The use of nitrogen fertilizers adds nitrogen to the soil, and then rain water carries unused fertilizer and other nitrogen compounds into streams and lakes, where the ...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Phoebus Apollos Partners, Progeny, and Family

Phoebus Apollo's Partners, Progeny, and Family Apollo  is the only principal god who has  the same name in Greek and  Roman  mythology.  He is portrayed as  a blend of physical superiority and moral virtue  and rules over a long list of objects and pursuits, ranging from  the  sun  and light, music and poetry, and healing and plagues to prophecy and knowledge, order and beauty, and archery and agriculture. He would seem to be busy, but he has had time to mate or attempt to mate with a long list of women and some men, siring many children along the way, mostly males. Apollos Women Marpessa: daughter of Euenos. Their offspring was Kleopatra, wife of Meleager, although her father may have been Idas.Chione: daughter of Daedalion. Their son was Philammon, sometimes said to be the son of Philonis.Koronis: daughter of AzanDaphne: daughter of GaiaArsinoe: daughter of Leukippos. Their son was Asklepios (Asclepius).Kassandra (Cassandra)Kyrene: Their son was AristaiosMelia: an Oceanid. Their child was Teneros.Eudne: daughter of Poseidon. Their son was Iamos.Thero: daughter of Phylas. Their child was ChaironPsamathe: daughter of Krotopos. Their son, Linos, was killed by dogs.Philonis: daughter of Deion. Their son, Philammon, was the first man to train choruses of young women, though sometimes his mother is given as Chione.Chrysothemis: Their child, Parthenos, was Apollos only daughter,  who became the constellation Virgo after an early death. Apollos Men Hyakinthos: attested in Ovid Met. 10.162-219Kyparissos: attested in Ovid Met. 10.106-42 The Ones Who Got Away Apollos most famous love was Daphne, a nymph who was vowed to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and chastity, that she would remain eternally innocent. But Apollo fell for her and stalked her until Daphne could take it no more. She asked her father, the river god Peneus, to transform her into something else, and he made her a laurel tree. Apollo swore he would love her forever and from that day he has worn a laurel wreath as a token of his love. In an attempt to seduce the Trojan princess Cassandra, Apollo gave her  the gift of prophecy, but she eventually bailed out. Apollo  wasn’t allowed to recall his gift, but he found a way to spoil it: He took away her  powers of persuasion. So, even though her prophecies are always right, nobody believes her. More About Apollo The meaning of the name Apollo  is debated. Candidates for translations include  destroyer,† â€Å"redemptory,† â€Å"purifier,† â€Å"assembler,† and â€Å"stony.† Most scholars link his  name to the Greek word  apella,  meaning â€Å"a sheepfold† and suggesting that Apollo might originally have been merely a protector of flocks and herds instead of the many-faceted god he became. Apollo is the son of Zeus, the king of the Greek gods,  and Leto, one of Zeus many lovers.  She  incurred the wrath of Hera,  Zeus wife, who sent the dragon Python  after her rival. Apollo is considered the most perfectly developed male.  Beardless and athletically built, he is often depicted with the laurel crown on his head and either a bow and arrow or a lyre in his hands. Resources and Further Reading Gantz, Timothy. Early Greek Myth: A Guide to Literary and Artistic Sources. Johns Hopkins University, 1996.â€Å"Apollo, Greek God of the Sun and Light.†, 2019.